[매직트리하우스 챕터북] #2 The Knight at dawn - 챕터 3 & 4 (워크북 Worksheet)
우리나라에서 너무 유명한 매직트리하우스 (Magic Tree House) 챕터북의 워크북/Worksheet입니다.
아이들이 책을 읽으면서 문제를 푸는 것만으로는 한계를 느껴 직접 문제를 만들고 답을 만들었습니다.
2 챕터씩 읽고 문제를 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있어요!
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[매직트리하우스 챕터북]
#2 The Knight at dawn
Chapter 3 - Across the Bridge
Getting information from the book about the castle and the related story.
Chapter 4 - Into the Castle
Jack and Annie were spying on the feast but caught up by a man.
Chapter 3 - Across the Bridge
- How much does a helmet weigh?
- When did Jack weigh 40 pounds?
- 6 years old
- 3 years old
- 5 years old
- 4 years old
- What did the book say about what was kept in the moat?
- What were the hawks trained for?
- What did people from the castle eat?
Chapter 4 - Into the Castle
- Where was Annie hiding?
- What was Annie going to find?
- Music
- Laughter
- Shouting
- Horse's sound
- What were the dogs fighting over with under the table?
- What were they eating with?
- Forks
- Spoons
- Chopsticks
- Fingers
- What was the man who shouted behind carrying?
*문제를 다 푸시고 답이 궁금하거나 질문이 있으시면 답글을 달아 주세요!