[매직트리하우스 챕터북] #2 The Knight at dawn - 챕터 1 & 2 (워크북 Worksheet)
우리나라에서 너무 유명한 매직트리하우스 (Magic Tree House) 챕터북의 워크북/Worksheet입니다.
아이들이 책을 읽으면서 문제를 푸는 것만으로는 한계를 느껴 직접 문제를 만들고 답을 만들었습니다.
2 챕터씩 읽고 문제를 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있어요!
함께 읽고 영어 공부를 효과적으로 할 수 있도록 도움이 되면 좋을 것 같아요!
[매직트리하우스 챕터북]
#2 The Knight at dawn
Chapter 1 - The Dark Woods
Jack and Annie decided to go back to the treehouse early in the morning
Chapter 2 - Leaving Again
Chapter 1 - The Dark Woods
What time was it when Jack couldn’t sleep? (잭이 잠을 이루지 못하고 일어났을 때는 몇시였나요?)
Why was Jack worried to go to the treehouse in the early morning? (왜 잭은 이른 아침에 Treehouse에 가는 것을 걱정했나요?)
Because he was scared of the dark
- Because their mother was there
- Because there was a magician in the treehouse
What did Jack disagree with Annie's suggestion for his writing and Why?
Why the woods were scary?
What did Jack do when Annie scared him?
Jack screamed
Jack ran away
Jack jumped back and frowned
Jack jumped high and crashed to the ground
Chapter 2 - Leaving Again
What was in the book about knights and castles? (기사와 성에 관한 책 안에는 무엇이 들어있었나요?)
What made the strange sound? (무엇이 이상한 소리를 냈나요?)
A cat
A bird
A dog
A horse
What did they saw after Annie made a wish? (애니가 소원을 빈 후 무엇을 보았습니까?)
Why did Jack want to go back to his house? (잭은 왜 집에 가려고 했나요?)
Why did Jack go closer to the castle with Annie? (왜 잭은 애니와 함께 성으로 가까이 갔나요?)
Because he wanted to play in the castle
Because he couldn’t leave without her
Because he had no plans
Because he sort of wanted to take a peek
*문제를 다 푸시고 답이 궁금하거나 질문이 있으시면 답글을 달아 주세요!